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New vegan ‘smoked salmon’ offers plant-based alternative to fish's recipe kit lets you make your own smoked salmon made of carrots

New vegan ‘smoked salmon’ offers plant-based alternative to fish

We’ve seen all sorts of plant-based meat alternatives from pea protein burgers, to watermelon ‘tuna’. Now vegans can get their hands on smoked salmon strips made from carrots.

The fish-free launch by online healthy food retailer comes in the form of a recipe kit that lets you create your own plant-based alternatives using just carrots and a low-fat marinade comprised of smoked paprika, Colgin liquid smoke, kelp powder, cider vinegar, rapeseed oil and soy sauce.

So how does it work? recommends baking and slicing the carrots, before smothering them in the marinade and leaving overnight for the flavours to develop. The kit, which contains 5g of fat and 99 calories per serving, comes portioned for one person, making it ideal for enjoying as a mid-day snack or as part of a quick meal.

Speaking about the launch, a spokesperson for said: “As people become increasingly health-conscious and look to cut down their intake of animal products, finding an alternative to their favourite foods can prove a challenge. This applies particularly to fish products, as replicating the texture and flavour of fish isn’t easy.

“Surprisingly, carrot strips soaked in a unique marinade make an excellent cruelty- and fat-free salmon alternative. By following a few simple steps provided with the ingredients, home cooks can turn humble carrots into tasty ‘salmon’ strips, perfect on bagels or with vegetables and rice.”

The No Fish Salmon Recipe kit costs £3 and is available from

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