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5 Ways To Ward Off A Cold

Avoid the seasonal sniffles with these helpful lifestyle hacks

5 Ways To Ward Off A Cold

1. Boost Your Immune System

Most of us get exposed to colds and flu viruses at this time of year, but a strong immune system will improve our chances of fighting off those bugs. Carotino Healthier Cooking Oil is rich in antioxidant vitamins which help support our immune systems. By switching to Carotino Oil in place of your ordinary cooking oil you could boost your intake without even trying!

5 Ways To Ward Off A Cold

2. Sleep it off

Getting enough rest is an absolute must! Too many late nights and early mornings can take a toll on your health and a lack of shut eye can make you more prone to colds and flu. So, ditch the after office cocktails and opt for an early night – your immune system will thank you for it!

5 Ways To Ward Off A Cold

3. Up your vits

Zinc might not be your go-to vitamin when you're feeling stuffy, but it should be! Not only can it strengthen your immune system and help heal wounds, but it can reduce the duration of a cold by 50 percent. Get munching on zinc-rich foods such as mushrooms and spinach to boost your intake.

5 Ways To Ward Off A Cold

5. Beat the winter blues

It can often feel like someone's hit the switch on your health when winter rolls around, so you'd be forgiven for wanting to opt for a cosy night in when you're feeling bunged up. But, a gentle stroll could improve your mood and your immune system. Plus, if you head out at lunch time you'll get a hit of vitamin D – essential during the winter months.

5 Ways To Ward Off A Cold

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